Introducing Kobo Sage, our most accomplished eReader ever. Designed to inspire you with every read, Kobo Sage delivers every feature Kobo offers in one sleek package, plus Bluetooth® wireless technology so you can listen to Kobo Audiobooks*. The luxurious 8" HD flush E Ink Carta 1200 touchscreen delivers superior performance and depth of contrast, with zero glare. Take your Kobo Sage experience even further with elegant, custom designed accessories. Kobo Sage SleepCover** and new PowerCover** were purpose-built to provide protection and a premium experience. And with Kobo Stylus** compatibility, you can dive further into your favourite read by capturing your ideas on-the-go and saving them to other devices with Dropbox Support. Enjoy the peace of mind that comes with having every feature at your fingertips, and knowing you'll have our best, most immersive reading experience.
Kobo eReaders are carefully crafted to deliver a superior reading experience, and are carefully crafted to deliver a superior reading experience. Lightweight and conveniently portable without compromising on battery life. Shop from a variety of models. Kobo Libra H2O. Kobo Clara HD. Kobo Forma. Models: Kobo Clara HD, Kobo Libra H2O, Kobo Forma, Kobo Sage.
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