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The Cyberpunk Detective Series Continues to Thrill in NeuroDancer!

Liquid Cool is the action-packed (and funny), sci fi detective series.

Has Cruz met his supervillain match in NeuroDancer?

In the next installment of the sci-fi/cyberpunk detective series, author Austin Dragon goes from less frenetic cyberpunk to a smoother, cyber-noir with our hero, Cruz, matching wits with the sultry 
NeuroDancer. There is always plenty of gritty action, suspense, thrills, and even a few laughs.

“Don’t hate me because I’m beautiful,” she said to him. He should have listened to his instincts when she strolled into his office to hire him. “I knew I wasn’t gonna touch this case with a 10-foot pole. It had danger written all over it, back and front.” But he did take the Case of the NeuroDancer. Is this the private eye story where the bad “guy” rides off into the sunset and the hero lies flat on his back waiting for the meat wagon to fly down in their hover-ambulance.

Which is crazier, indeed: the criminal—or the client?

Welcome to the high-tech, low-life world of 
Liquid Cool.

Get Your Copy of 
NeuroDancer (Liquid Cool, Book 3) today and begin your action-filled and funny, sci fi detective adventure with Cruz and company!

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